Free Riverstone Networks MIB Database - Download, Search, and Upload MIBs

Download Riverstone Networks SNMP MIBs for Free.

This particular page contains a full list of all SNMP MIBS from Riverstone Networks represented in our database. Use these MIBs to manage and capture information from various Riverstone Networks equipment, including Riverstone Networks routers, switches, other devices and software agents. There are a total of 6 Riverstone Networks MIB downloads in this section, containing over 110 OIDS (Object Identifiers) in the proprietary Riverstone Networks subtree. Some of the latest updated Riverstone Networks MIBs include RSTONE-RS-AGENTCAP-MIB, RIVERSTONE-ATM-MIB, RIVERSTONE-PRODUCTS-MIB, RIVERSTONE-STP-MIB, RIVERSTONE-CMTS-MIB

We currently have 7669 unique MIBs online!

This area is free for all Network Management enthusiasts.
Last updated on 11/17/2014 9:57:13 AM

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Riverstone Networks     Total Files: 6     Sorted By: OID
MIB/Module  OID  Variable # Date
RSTONE-SMI-MIB 4 4/15/2000  (riverstoneNetworks)
This mib module defines the enterprise managed object space operated by Riverstone Networks, Inc Copyright C) Riverstone Networks, Inc 2000
RIVERSTONE-PRODUCTS-MIB 12 11/30/2000  (rsFamilyMIB)
This mib module defines system Object Identifier values for sysObjectID.0 for network elements manufactured and sold by Riverstone Networks, Inc Contains sysObjectIDs for RS Procut Line of Multi Layer Switch Routers.
RSTONE-RS-AGENTCAP-MIB 7 6/21/2001  (rstoneRsAgentCapabilityMIB)
This module defines agent capabilities for Riverstone RS RapidOS Software Product.
RIVERSTONE-CMTS-MIB 53 7/8/2000  (rsCmtsMib)
This mib module defines the Riverstone Networks enterpise MIB for CMTS modules. Copyright C) Riverstone Networks, Inc 2000
RIVERSTONE-STP-MIB 21 7/16/2000  (rsStpMib)
This mib module defines addtional configuration and statistics for Spanning Tree Protocol Management as defined in RFC 1493 Copyright C) Riverstone Networks, Inc 2000
RIVERSTONE-ATM-MIB 13 1/31/2001  (rsAtmMib)
This MIB module defines enterprise extensions to IETF Standard MIB modules. rsAtmFdbObjects group defines a mapping from a MAC address to the ATM PVC on which it was learned. Copyright C) Riverstone Networks, Inc 2001