OiDViEW MIB APIOiDViEW MIB API allows anyone to query our online SNMP MIB database from anywhere in the world. There are thousands of public domain MIBs from hundreds of Network Management vendors in our MIB database. These MIBs are usually updated weekly. To use the API, you will need a key which must be included with all requests. It is freely available for non-commercial use by any developer and may be licensed for commercial use. The free key allows you to make a maximum of 100 requests per day. You can apply for a free key here |
- Service Catalog
- Request Format
- Response Format
- Sample Code
Service Catalog
The MIB API provides the following functions:- getVendors - Returns a list of all vendors in the database for which there are MIBs
- getVendorInfo - Returns information about the vendor.
- getVendorMibs - Returns all available MIBs for a particular vendor.
- getMibInfo - Returns detailed information about a particular MIB.
- getMibObjectInfo - Returns information about a MIB Object using the OID.
- getMibObjectInfoByName - Returns information about a MIB Object using the object name.
- getMibObjectParent - Returns information about the parent MIB Object
- getMibObjectPath - Returns the entire path of the Mib Object
- getMibObjectChildCount - Returns the number of children for a MIB Object
- getMibObjectSiblingCount - Returns the number of siblings for a MIB Object
- getMibObjectChildren - Returns the children of a certain MIB object
- getMibObjectSiblings - Returns the siblings of a certain MIB object
- getMibSearchResultsByVendor - Returns MIB objects in vendor MIBs matching a particular token
Request Format
The OiDViEW MIB API is a REST-based API. Requests are sent as HTTP GET requests. A MIB API service request follows this template:
[version] is the requested service version (i.e. v1),
[service_name] is the requested service (i.e. mibService),
[action_name] is the action you want to perform on the requested service (i.e. getVendors),
[key] is the API key you received when you signed up (i.e. F987835F05F4CA12F610DBA1D7C19),
[parameters] are parameters, mandatory or optional, passed to the requested service.
For every call, the version, service_name, action_name, key parameters are all required.
HTTP Basic Authentication is used to authenticate to the API (to learn more see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication).
Response Format
Responses to API requests can be either XML or JSON documents. By default, XML format is returned. To specify either return format, the request "Accept" header can be modified to include "application/xml" for XML or "application/json" for JSON.
XML responses look like the following: |
JSON responses look like the following:
Each response will provide a mandatory status field. A response with a status of 0 is OK. A response with a non-zero status will also include an <errMsg> tag describing the error. Please refer to the Error code sections to get a hint as to what went wrong, and why.