What's New with OiDViEW?
OiDViEW 6.0 Release (what's new since 5.2): - Trap Manager and Notifier Removed - The Trap Manager console is no longer included in OiDViEW. - Users needing Trap Support should download Trap Manager. - Licensing - We introduced a FREE Version of OiDViEW!!! (Enjoy!) - Now there is no licensing restriction and after a full 7-day trial of Enterprise, you can use FREE version - forever! - Miscellaneous - BUG FIX: Mac Addresses were not being displayed properly in the MIB Browser or I-GRID - BUG FIX: In some cases, while in table mode the row values were not being displayed in the correct syntax. --> OiDViEW 5.2 Release (what's new since 4.2): - Trap Manager Console - Trap Manager Console is now both a separate application and a module inside of OiDViEW - Trap Tray will work independently of Trap Service - Trap Tray will be displayed on newer operating systems like Vista, Windows 7, etc. - Installation - Faster, easier install with no questions! - Better firewalls rules created for both XP and Windows 7 - Licensing - Simplified Evaluation Licensing for OiDViEW and TMS to not require second level of activation OiDViEW 4.2 Release (what's new since 4.1.36): - Signed Installation and Executables - OiDViEW and TMS now signed and ByteSphere recognized as authentic vendor by Microsoft - Installation - Other Firewalls detected and notice will be given to user to create exclusion - Trap Manager Console - Filter Manager UI now allows Duplication of Filters - Miscellaneous - BUG FIX: SNMPv3 discovery and communication broken in some instances - BUG FIX: IPv6 addresses not showing up in SNMP PDU Trace Module - BUG FIX: Discovery module leaving blank rows in grid OiDViEW 4.1.36 Release (what's new since 4.0.0): - New Operating System Support - OiDViEW and TMS now supported on Windows 2008, and Windows 7 - Installation - UAC and admin rights automatically assigned on Windows 2003, Vista, 2008, and Windows7 - Exceptions for OiDViEW and TMS added to Windows Firewall automatically - Miscellaneous - BUG FIX: TMS not able to receive or send traps (see Installation above) - BUG FIX: TMS Notifier not getting updated when settings modified via OiDViEW config - BUG FIX: TMS Connection light ON when it should be OFF - BUG FIX: Notifier not able to send emails (see Installation above) - BUG FIX: Notifier not sending emails when email display name set - BUG FIX: OiDViEW not able to PING or communicate with TMS (see Installation above) - BUG FIX: Compiler broken when INTEGER SYNTAX constructs start on following line - BUG FIX: WMI Toolbar and Search box not behaving as expected OiDViEW 4.0.0 Release (what's new since 3.1.37): - IPv6 - IPv6 is now fully integrated into the system - WMI Browser - Full Windows WMI Browser integrated into OiDViEW - Miscellaneous - BUG FIX: IfLastChange not getting properly displayed OiDViEW 3.1.37 Release (what's new since 3.0.11): - Trap Manager Service - TMS now integrated with JaguarSX - Trap Manager Console - Filter Manager UI now includes class and event types - Send traps using trap builder - Send traps using a traplog - SNMP MIB Browser - Send traps from browser by clicking on trap node - Miscellaneous - SNMP Trap Manager Service - Trap manager receiver now separate from OiDViEW console - runs as a standalone Windows Service - Trap Manager Console - Better Filter Manager UI - Filters are organized by Vendor - Control local or remote Trap Manager Services (TMS) from one OiDViEW console - Trap Manager Filters - Support added for over 7000 events - Support added for hundreds of devices and vendors - Miscellaneous - Trap Manager Updates - Send and Forward secure SNMPv3 traps - Forwarded Traps now include origination address for v2c and v3 traps - OiDViEW Agent - Supports SNMPv3 discovery and system table - add internal SNMPv3 secure users for OiDViEW agent for use with Trap Forwarding - Miscellaneous OiDViEW 2.8 Release (what's new since 2.7.61): - Installer Updates - OiDViEW is now officially supported on Windows Vista - Complete library rebuild - smaller installation footprint - Notifier - Miscellaneous OiDViEW 2.7.61 Maintenance Release (what's new since 2.7.50): - Trap Manager Updates - Trap Filter changes now update in real time (no need to shutdown and restart oidview)! - Trap Filter Forwarding now supports dynamic trap conversion (send one type of trap as another) - Miscellaneous OiDViEW 2.7.50 Maintenance Release (what's new since 2.7.21): - SNMPv3 Updates - Supports full Privacy / Encryption - Trap Manager Updates - Supports new Filter and Condition Types (Severity and Clear) - Automatically Clear Traps based on conditional criteria - SNMP Testing Module (NEW!) OiDViEW 2.7 Release (what's new since 2.6): - SNMP Dialog - Supports IP Ranges during multiple SNMP operations (New!) - Discover Subnet - Completely New UI, including sortable results - Discover Wizard Interface - Miscellaneous OiDViEW 2.6 Release (what's new since 2.5): - Trap Manager (NEW!) - Supports SNMPv3 Secure Users/Traps - Identification mechanism uses Trap Filters and MIB lookup - Automatic Alarm detection based on MIB definition - Alarm Deduplication (configurable) - Live Display - Alarm Detail - PDU Trace - Launch OiDViEW Tools from specific Alarm - Create Filter based on Alarm - Modify Filter based on Alarm -Advanced Trap Filter Manager (NEW!) - Pre-loaded with Filters for Cisco, Juniper, and Standard MIBs - Edit, Modify, Delete Filters from UI - Uses condition based matching - Link Filter to Notifier Profile -Notifier (NEW!) - Send SNMP-Trap, SMS, PAGE, Email, NTEvent, or Execute Command - Create Notification profiles, order send events -MIB Compiler - Export to CSV - SNMP Dialog - UI enhancements - Miscellaneous - Lexicographical OID Sorting - MIB Browser now uses new DB Grid control (easily allows multiple selections, better usability, etc.) - Word Search/Filter UI is now a panel on the main window, rather than a stand-alone dialog OiDViEW 2.5 Release (what's new since 2.4): - Cisco CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB Browser (NEW!) - Browse and Verify your Quality of Service (QoS) Configuration on your Cisco Routers. - Miscellaneous OiDViEW 2.4 Release (what's new since 2.3): - SNMPv3 User Manager (NEW!) - Add, Modify, and Delete SNMPv3 Users - More Licensing Improvements! OiDViEW 2.3 Release (what's new since 2.2): - SNMPv3 throughout the product - Licensing Improvements - OiDViEW allows multiple MAC address binding to the license - MIB Browser |