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Download Allied Telesis, Inc. SNMP MIBs for Free.

This particular page contains a full list of all SNMP MIBS from Allied Telesis, Inc. represented in our database. Use these MIBs to manage and capture information from various Allied Telesis, Inc. equipment, including Allied Telesis, Inc. routers, switches, other devices and software agents. There are a total of 46 Allied Telesis, Inc. MIB downloads in this section, containing over 3548 OIDS (Object Identifiers) in the proprietary Allied Telesis, Inc. subtree. Some of the latest updated Allied Telesis, Inc. MIBs include AtiEdgeSwitch-MIB, AT-BOARDS-MIB, AT-PRODUCT-MIB, AT-LOADER-MIB, AT-PAE-MIB

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Last updated on 11/17/2014 9:57:13 AM

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Allied Telesis, Inc.     Total Files: 46     Sorted By: topVar
MIB/Module  OID  Variable # Date
ATKKACTN-MIB 48  (acctonCommon)
AT-SMI-MIB 13 6/14/2006  (alliedTelesis)
The Structure of Management Information for Allied Telesis enterprise.
AtiEdgeSwitch-MIB 928 8/18/2011  (at-9000-28)
Private MIB for ATI layer 2 stackable switches. This MIB can be used in Windows and UNIX environments.
NV_ATKK-MIB 34  (ati)
AtiStackInfo-MIB 16 7/27/2004  (atiStackInfoMib)
Private MIB for ATI next generation layer 2 switches. This MIB contains stacking related groups.
MULTIPLE-BRIDGE-MIB 34  (atiSwitchPortMirroring)
AT-CAPABILITIES 1  (atrRapier)
ATDHCP-MIB 13  (atswitchDHCPGroup)
ATSWTCH2-MIB 217  (atswitchMib)
AT-BOARDS-MIB 221 3/21/2007  (boards)
boards is a subtree beneath which board ids are assigned. release is a subtree beneath which release ids are assigned. ifTypes is a subtree beneath which interface type ids are assigned. chips is a subtree beneath which chip ids are assigned.
AT-BRI-MIB 17 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (bri)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the BRI module.
AT-PRODUCT-MIB 113 3/21/2007  (bridgeRouter)
products is the root OBJECT IDENTIFIER. Beneath it there are subtree bridgeRouter and routerSwitch, which are is defined in AT-SMI-MIB.
AT-ISDN-MIB 91 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (cc)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the CC module.
ALLIEDTELESYN-MIB 296  (centreCOM-AR720Router)
AT-DHCP-MIB 22 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (dhcp)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the DHCP module.
AT-DS3-MIB 10 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (ds3)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the DS3 module.
FH800u-MIB 107  (dualHub)
AT-ENVMON-MIB 56 3/7/2006  (envMon)
The AT Environment Monitoring MIB for managing and reporting data relating to voltage rails, fan speeds, temperature sensors and power supply units.
AT-EPSR-MIB 17 11/22/2006 12:12:00 PM  (epsr)
Convert epsrEventVariables into a table entry, so variable of mutiple EPSR domains can be obtained.
AT-ETH-MIB 8 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (ethernet)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the ethernet module.
AT-SYSINFO-MIB 84 6/14/2006  (fanAndPs)
ubtree beneath which system inforamtion ids are assigned. It contains generic system information, as follows: sysinfo 1 fanAndPs sysinfo 2 restartGroup sysinfo 3 cpu sysinfo 4 sysTemperature sysinfo 5 atrContactDetails sysinfo 6 bbrNvs sysinf
AT-FILE-MIB 11 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (file)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the FILE module.
AT-FIREWALL-MIB 12 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (firewall)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the FIREWALL module.
AT-FLASH-MIB 16 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (flash)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the FLASH module.
AT-INTERFACES-MIB 37 6/14/2006  (igmpTraps)
subtree beneath which interface ids are assigned..
AT-INSTALL-MIB 36 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (install)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the INSTALL module.
AT-LB-MIB 63 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (lb)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the LB module.
AT-LOADER-MIB 10 2/7/2007 10:10:00 AM  (loader)
To handle upload, object loadStatus is upgraded, as well as the description for objects loadServer and loadFilename.
AT-PIM-MIB 8 1/20/2005 3:25:00 PM  (pim4)
Contains definitions of managed objects for the handling PIM4 enterprise functions on AT switches.
AT-PING-MIB 23 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (ping)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the PING module.
AT-PAE-MIB 90 1/15/2007 11:00:00 AM  (portAuth)
Description of atrDot1xUnauthenticated is modified.
AT-PRI-MIB 18 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (pri)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the PRI module.
AT-PVSTPM-MIB 10 3/29/2006 4:51:00 PM  (pvstpm)
The MIB module for managing PVSTPM enterprise functionality on Allied Telesis switches.
AT-QOS-MIB 65 12/1/2004 3:25:00 PM  (qos)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the handling QoS on Allied Telesis switches. There are a number of tables designed to be generic to all ATR switches supporting QoS in silicon, and well as tables for specific AT switches or switch
ATI-MIB 138  (repeater)
AT-STACK-MIB 22 5/24/2006 12:22:00 PM  (stack)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the handling of stacking Allied Telesis switches.
AT-SWITCH-MIB 70 6/12/2006 12:22:00 PM  (swi)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the SWITCH module.
SWITCH-ATM-MIB 282 6/20/1997  (switchAtmMib)
The MIB module for ATM support. This module is designed with the assumption that only one virtual path identifier VPI) may be assigned and is usually determined by the underlying software implementation. The VPI is never used as an index in any table in t
SWITCH-BRIDGE-MIB 82 5/31/1996  (switchBridgeMib)
The MIB module for bridge and spanning tree protocol. This mib is based on RFC 1493 with modifications to support multiple bridges, one for each virtual LAN VLAN), in one physical chassis. The bridge protocol attributes are now in a table indexed by the v
SWITCH-CHASSIS-MIB 75 4/29/1997  (switchChassisMib)
The MIB module for SWITCH chassis entity.
TELESYN-ATI-TC 21  (switchingHubs)
SWITCH-MIB 17 1/14/1997  (switchProductMib)
The MIB module for supporting HS150 product specific MIB objects.
SWITCH-INFO-MIB 7 11/5/1996  (switchVendorMib)
The MIB module identifies objects containing vendor information.
SWITCH-VLAN-MIB 79 4/10/1997  (switchVlanMib)
This module provides definitions for the Hitachi Computer Products, Network System Group SWITCH), Virtual LAN VLAN) MIB.
AT-TRIGGER-MIB 4 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (trigger)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the TRIGGER module.
AT-TTY-MIB 6 6/28/2006 12:22:00 PM  (tty)
This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the TTY module.