ByteSphere Knows IT Management
It's a jungle out there, and it's hard to find good, solid, performing IT management software solutions. Hunting for the critical data that will affect your business is a daunting task. ByteSphere produces best of breed IT mangagement solutions and has several products that will make that task a breeze.
Trap Manager Fault Management Tools. Event-based monitoring at it's best, use alone or in conjunction with tools like HP-OpenView, Tivoli and NetCool to drown out excess Network Noise and help you to focus on only the important things happening in your network.
OidView SAAS IT Management Tools. A watered down FREE version of our acclaimed OiDViEW Console tool, use forever by just contributing MIBs to our FREE Network Management Community.
ByteSphere Agent. A FREE windows-only Realtime Network Traffic Monitoring Tool for your PC that doubles as a simple Protocol Analyzer and Packet Sniffer.