Free JUNIPER-MAG-MIB MIB Download - Search, Download, and Upload MIBs
Download JUNIPER-MAG-MIB MIB for Free. This is the MIB module JUNIPER-MAG-MIB from Juniper Networks, Inc.
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Last updated on 11/17/2014 9:57:13 AM
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This OID tree represents the compiled SNMP MIB module JUNIPER-MAG-MIB and includes only high-level compiled information.
For more detail (mib object descriptions, Unit Types, Textual Conventions, Macro-definitions, etc.),
please download the raw SNMP ASN.1 mib test file by clicking on the ZIP icon above.
To query a live agent with SNMP for objects in module JUNIPER-MAG-MIB, use OidView Network Management Tools or SNMP SNMP MIB Browser.
To capture and analyze snmp traps from a live agent with objects loaded from module JUNIPER-MAG-MIB, use OidView Trap Manager SNMP Fault Management
Statistics for MIB JUNIPER-MAG-MIB:
Objects: 8 | OIDS: 7 | Object Groups: 0 |
Traps: 0 | Notifications: 1 | Notification Groups: 0 |
Tables: 0 | Tabulars: 0 | Scalars/Other: 6 |
Object Name | Object Identifier |
jnxMagMib | |
jnxMagNotifications | |
jnxMagSSOValidationError | |
jnxMagObjects | |
jnxMagSSOObjects | |
jnxMagSSOAuthTokenAttempt | |
jnxMagSSOFailedAuthToken | |