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MIB Browser Features

Support for SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 protocols

Support for all SNMP protocol operations: GET, GET NEXT,

Support for the following SNMPv3 USM security modes: HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA authentication; CBC-DES privacy to be implemented soon (screen shot).

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Patent-Pending MIBSenseTM and MIBAcquireTM - OidView is the only browser to perform agent analysis and automatically locate the needed MIBs from the internet, download and install them for your viewing / browsing ease.

MIB Browser has instant access to thousands of MIBs for hundreds of vendors, with over 400,000 mib variable definitions, giving OidView the best access to MIBs compared to any other tool of it's class. And we are constantly adding to our MIB database, so as time goes on your investment in OidView grows!

Smart MIB Compiler - Just point our MIB Compiler at a directory and let it do the work! It will figure out the load order for MIBs, any needed IMPORTS, it will even search your hard-drive for missing modules! Edit MIBs during compiles, define alias modules as well. How many other compilers do you know that will do all this? (screen shot)

Export MIB modules to XML - Our XML exporter is SMI compliant. This means that the resulting XML files can be imported by a NMS that reads XML SMI files.

Smart MIB Search! Search all your compiled MIBs for keywords. OidView will find any MIBs using those keywords and you can automatically load those into your MIB Browser
(screen shot).

Support for MIBWalk analysis (multiple vendor's mibwalks are supported!) This is handy for someone in a support or engineering setting. Have your customer / end-user send you a mibwalk, with any of their tools, and have OidView load it up into an analysis session with MIB Browser! It's just like having the real device right there on your network! No other tool provides this on the market. MibWalk profiles can be created and customized via XML.

PDUTrace module (available only in the Professional version), logs and displays SNMP messages exchanged between MIB Browser and SNMP agents. With this feature you can trace both inbound and outbound SNMP requests sent from OidView. Traced PDUs are displayed in a nicely formatted tree construct, as well as the usual raw hexadecimal format and ascii format. This module is wonderful to have when debugging problems with SNMP agents (screen shot). OidView was the pioneer MIB Browser to implement a built-in PDUTrace capability.

SNMP Set window for explicitly setting values and administering remote SNMP agents. Allows manual control over how SET PDUs are designed. Send instructions in single or multiple PDUs. (screen shot). SNMP Get window for getting values from SNMP agents (screen shot).

MIB variable bookmarks - remember the most commonly used variables globally, or per session (screen shot).

Subnet Discovery (Professional Version only) - find devices on your network that respond to ICMP and/or SNMP. Specify multiple IP-ranges, use filters like multiple community strings, agents that respond only to certain OIDs, etc. Then, launch a MIB Browser at a discovered device or SNMP agent.

Data windows for monitoring selected OID sets on selected interfaces (available in Professional Version only - via IGRID module). Real-time bandwidth bars are displayed, statistics calculated per interface (screen shot).

Performance Graph window for graphical monitoring of numerical OID values in any number of remote SNMP agents (screen shot). Graph both counters and gauges on the same screen, different charts. Graph data on a normalized data window, to see comparative values. Strings can be polled but not graphed (obviously). Modify Chart styles, save and load configuration profiles (profiles for Professional Version only).

Table View windows for viewing SNMP tables in columnar form (screen shot)

Agent return values are formatted according to the MIB definitions. Oids can be displayed with indexes according to the MIB (screen shot).

MIB Properties window for displaying all properties of any part of the MIB. When displaying MIB properties the Property window displays all relevant SMI properties of the given node as defined in the ASN1 MIB module (screen shot).

Much, much more! Download now to try it out!

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