
Posts Tagged ‘JaguarSX’

KB: Error: Jaguar Web UI displays LoadXML error

December 19th, 2008

This error is caused by an incomplete PHP configuration. Both SOAP and XML extensions need to be enabled in PHP in order for the UI to work.

LoadXML Error caused by PHP mis-configuration

LoadXML Error caused by PHP mis-configuration

On linux, make sure the following packages are installed (PHP SOAP, PHP XML, PHP DOM). You can install them by typing in the following commands:

yum install php-xml
yum install php-soap
yum install php-dom

On Windows, make sure the php.ini file has the following extensions enabled in the php.ini file and then restart Apache:


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Protected: How To: Analyze a Jaguar debug log

December 17th, 2008
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How To, JaguarSX ,

How To: Enable debugging for Jaguar (Engine)

October 5th, 2008

Sometimes we will need to get a log file to determine what is going on in the monitoring engine. The main log file is in the main monitor engine directory, and is named monitorengine.log. There are a couple of different ways to turn on logging as well as different levels and components. Our logging system is based on the log4j logging componenet. More information about log4j can be found here:

The easiest way to turn on debugging is to simply issue the following command:

xmlApiClient -o system.logging.priority -v DEBUG

Here are some guidelines to use with debug logging….


There are several different priority levels of logging. The default log level the engine ships with is “INFO”. This logs all informational messages to the log and the database.

Levels include ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. ERROR will give the least amount of logging, while DEBUG will give the most. When we are debugging the product, you will need to enable the DEBUG priority.

There are two ways to change the priority. On a running engine, you may issue the command:

system.logging.priority -v <LEVEL>

In this case, to turn on debugging, you would issue:

system.logging.priority -v DEBUG

Another way would be to modify the monitorengine/log4j.xml file directly. In the last section of the file, you will see:

    <priority value =”info” />
    <appender-ref ref=”Rolling”/>

Change the line:

    <priority value =”info” />


    <priority value =”debug” />

and save the file. The monitor engine will have to be restarted for it to take effect.


 This affects the amount of DEBUGGING information ONLY. The level of 1 will log the least amount of information and the level of 10 will log the most amount of ingformation. 5 is a good amount.

To adjust this value on the fly, issue the command:

   system.logging.level -v <LEVEL>

To adjust this to a value of 6, issue the command:

   system.logging.level -v 6

The other way to modify this value is to edit the engineconfig.properities file.

The following value (monitor_debug_level) must be modified. For example, to set it to 5, make sure the line reads:



You can control which component that the engine performs debug logging for. It is controlled by the following command: system.logging.component

The valid values for components are:

    ALL = ALL
    MRM = Monitor Results Manager
    PE = Poller Engine
    DE = Discover Engine
    OE = Output Engine
    NE = Notifier Engine
    RAE = Results Analysis Engine
    SP = Symbol Processor
    PM = Ping Monitor
    PB_SNMP = Poller Blade (SNMP)

To turn on debugging for the only the Discover Engine, for example, first enable debugging, and then specify the DE component:

xmlApiClient -o system.logging.priority -v DEBUG
xmlApiClient -o system.logging.component -v DE

To enable debugging for more than one component, use the comma separator. For example to debug the poller and the symbol processor, specify:

xmlApiClient -o system.logging.component -v PE,SP







How To, JaguarSX , ,

How To: Enable debugging for Jaguar (Web UI)

October 5th, 2008

Sometimes when debugging issues it will be necessary to determine which queries are being sent to the database from the Web UI. Since the Jaguar web UI is completely written in PHP, you will have to modify a PHP text file located in the web directory. Here are some simple steps you can use to turn on logging.

1. Delete the www/bytesphere/logs/queries.log.

Deleting this file will allow us to focus on any newly logged queries and will remove the old ones.

2. Edit the www/bytesphere/includes/dbFunctions.php file

Inside this file is a function called mysql_query_wrapper. In there you must change the debug_on flag to 1.

Change the line:

 $debug_on = 0;

to the following:

 $debug_on = 1;

3. Save dbFunctions.php

Make sure after you save the file it has truly been updated. Especially double-check this on unix systems, as the file may be read-only.

4. Reproduce the issue!

Now that we have logging enabled, you can go ahead and reproduce the issue, so the queries will be logged into the queries.log file.

5. Retrieve the www/bytesphere/logs/queries.log file

Once you have sufficiently reproduced the problem, ZIP up the log file and email it to support.

How To, JaguarSX , ,